icon depicting Extensive Module Support

Extensive Module Support

A DRY programmers dream

Stencil has extensive module support, allowing you to create a modular set of template and reuse them anywhere.
icon depicting Native Extensions

Native Extensions

Go templates not enough? Stencil has native extensions to make it easy.

Stencil exposes an extension framework for writing and distributing native extensions for use by modules
icon depicting Any Format

Any Format

You can generate anything with Stencil

Stencil is language agnostic and thus supports any combination of templates.
icon depicting Fast


Who wants to wait

Stencil is fast, written in Golang using go-templates allow it to render files incredibly quickly.

Install in seconds, build in milliseconds.

Stencil works on macOS, Windows and Linux.

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We welcome all contributions

Stencil is open-source and completely free.